What is currently happening in Ronnie's life?
BWHAT'S GOING ON IN RONNIE'S LIFE TODAY ? above photo ( Ronald Yandell) alleged Aryan Brotherhood leader PawneShopes must see Sunflower What is currently happening in Ronnie's life 0bin.net/paste/2I4SWhVp#K-kPK... This was recorded 2017/18 with a cell phone in his cell. Currently he has no phone 1 1/2 yrs since held hostage in Sac Jail Fraudulently. Our goal is to have CDCCR CCPOA & the green wall guard gang investigated by federal Gov for CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT OFFENSE OR DEFRAUD UNITED STATES. This can be further understood viewing our documentary for the details of the crimes committed by them. A documentary we started creating in 2017 to bring racial unity across the prisons in Ca & ripple outward from there; the same way these men in the Doc came together in pelican bay hunger strike's (2011-2013) to get their freedom from the SHU after a decade or two. With a few more clips to come in near future, shining the light on what the authorities are...